Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Farm Life

We have homeschooled 20 something years. I have two more daughters home who help me out.
I am blessed for the help and company. We have 4 Brown Swiss ladies cow left on the farm. I am milking two. 20 something dairy goats, a old horse, to many chickens with only one EGG a day. 4 boy dairy steers for meat, a couple of dirty pigs, some show rabbits, doves and what ever else I can sneak in..
Where was I going with this--- maybe that I need a nap too... Only joking. or am I.
THe past year I feel the need for a outside job. THis is something I have never had. (EVER) Sort of for the money, kind of for me. I put my application in a few places but no luck. Feeling kind of useless. I know times are tough. If anyone reading this has any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blog world. I am fairly new to it... started in August, and it took me a lot longer than you to figure out how to get photos up and make it look all neat! You are doing good!
I am a homeschool mom to three of my four boys. I love it, but often feel like I should be out making money somehow to help out. I don't have THAT many critters to feed... but things still get tight around here between paychecks!
I wish I could tell you a great way to make some money staying home and blogging... but I don't know the first thing about how they get paid for their adds and reviews. Don't know even what that is!! I'm a dunce and don't pick up too well on these things! :0)
I know someone will let you know about it and then you can tell me!! :0)
Take care and hope you enjoy your blogging!

Anonymous said...

Hi Teacupliz,
I know about the wanting to make a little extra money. The critters around here eat more than they produce.
I have blogged for about a year but didn't make any money for at least 6 months.
I tried google ads. Still haven't collected any on those. Tried BlogHer ads. You have to had a blog 3 months, at least when I started to apply for ads with Blogher. I made a little bit with them.
The reviews I did with paid a little too.
I wish I could be more help.
Just keep commenting on different blogs and people will find your blog and it will grow.
Good luck

Teacupliz said...

Sweet- I have blogger friends..
Life is grand.. Anf HSer farmer ladies.. I am tired of yahoo groups and sold a jersey cow to a lovely lady Joce who has a wonderful Blog that makes me smile, so I wanted to try. So far it is fun.
Times are tough for all money is tight. My daughter in college just called upset NYS want $300 more for her last semesters bill. She had been paid in full and is broke.
But we will survive..
I need to figure out how to add you ladies to my favorite blogs?

Rebz said...

Hey Liz, you are posting often! That is awesome, I will have to stop back here more often!
Okay, so about being out of the house, it is really good for you. Write down things that make you feel fulfilled, and then look for jobs that will alow you to do those things. Like: if you like talking to people on a superficial way, look into jobs like bank telling or drive through windows and stuff. I have a couple ladies who really make my life better when I go to the bank or the McDonalds in LeRoy, because they like their jobs and they are really a blessing to the people they serve. If you like quiet solitary where you accomplish a task, look into a job where you make stuff, like a candle or basket company. Personally, I would like to tend bar, or work at a little boutique kind of store, like a country crafts kind of thing. I would enjoy the atmosphere and the people interactions.
Also, decent book to read to help get you inspired: "What should I do with my life" by Po Bronson. Get it from the library, it's worth reading once.